Thessaloniki gets ready for its metro launch in November
The underground rapid transit lines have been under construction for almost two decades due to various project delays
A fob attached to the school bag will notify parents when their kid has embarked or disembarked the vehicle
New facilities powered by solar energy will be used to collect the uncollectable
B. Smart City Hub is set to open its doors in January 2019
The EU awards €5 million to decentralised solutions based on blockchain technologies which tackle social innovation challenges
It is designed to facilitate city governance, improve public services, and enable industry innovation and best practices
Institutions are collaborating to make the best solutions and rethink development
Bristol is Open is welcoming a range of partners to the project, including large telecom and software companies, small hi-tech start-ups, public service delivery organisations, academics and others
A game designed by the French fire-fighters teaches you how to react in emergencies
As part of Turin`s Innova.TO programme
A free national information service advises the communities of Luxembourg on the matters of themes energy consumption