

Become a volunteer in a cross-border, transnational or interregional project

Become a volunteer in a cross-border, transnational or interregional project

Willing to volunteer? Need a hand with your Interreg project? See what is in there for you at Interreg Volunteer Youth

The European Territorial Cooperation or Interreg is looking for volunteers to assist with one of many projects contributing to cross-border, transnational or interregional cooperation that it supports. Through Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) the funding instrument offers the possibility for young people between 18 and 30 years to gain valuable international experience. As part of the European Solidarity Corps, the volunteer action aims to involve the young generation in the Interreg programmes and thereby to foster a greater sense of European belonging, citizenship and civic engagement.

The volunteers will support, promote and report on the achievements of the Interreg programmes and projects and promote cross-border cooperation and European values. They can get involved as Project Partners and focus on concrete aspects or difficulties that can be overcome through solidarity projects, people to people projects, health projects, community-based projects, projects focusing on the social dimension of Interreg cooperation. Alternatively, volunteers can become Interreg Reporters whose mission is to spread the word about the benefits of territorial integration. While the former are hosted by the project beneficiaries, the latter are deployed in Interreg Managing Authorities and/or the Interreg Joint Secretariats.

Browse the currently open placements or learn how to become a host organization from this link.



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