
Berlin has launched its 'repair bonus' for household devices, Source: Depositphotos

Berlin launches ‘repair bonus’ for home appliances today

Berlin launches ‘repair bonus’ for home appliances today

Faulty device owners can get back up to 200 euros in reimbursement

Starting today, the awaited ‘repair bonus’ (Reparaturbonus) for electric household appliances becomes available in Berlin. The subsidy provided by the state government aims to encourage residents to try to extend the useful life of their TVs, toasters, and such, thus reducing wasteful consumption and the accumulation of hardware trash.

The Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment announced that the subsidy application for faulty devices is available online.

The way it will work is simple. Private individuals can have their defective electrical and electronic devices repaired in craft businesses, workshops or repair cafes. 

The repair invoice has to range between a minimum of 75 euros and a maximum of 400 euros. The City will then reimburse half of the costs incurred by the device owner.

For repairs in non-commercial establishments, such as a repair café, the purchase of spare parts is subsidized. The invoice for the spare part must be at least 25 euros including sales tax. The entire cost of the spare part will be reimbursed there.

Extending the useful life of electric appliances

The Berlin Senate administration justifies the ‘repair bonus’ scheme with a need to protect the environment and encourage less wasteful habits in the field of household appliances.

It has set aside 1.25 million euros for the purpose. That budget, however, only covers repairs until the end of the year. It’s not clear whether next year, the city government will extend the scheme.

Initially, the subsidy initiative was supposed to kick off on 1 September, but it was delayed slightly. Also, the initial budget was meant to be double the size of the current one.



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