
'Transcending Time' art installation, Source: Fingal County Council

Bringing art to people’s homes in Fingal, literally

Bringing art to people’s homes in Fingal, literally

Via a dedicated website, residents can request Aoife Dunne’s mobile digital artwork to be displayed outside their property

Fingal multidisciplinary artist and art director Aoife Dunne wanted to create something to cheer up fellow residents who are home-bound and feeling increasingly anxious, depressed and disconnected during the Covid-19 pandemic. Good, but how was she going to make them see her creation?

Rephrasing an old proverb

Artists around the world are resorting to Internet platforms nowadays to create new work and stay in touch with their audiences but for Aoife this was not a solution. Drawing inspiration from the popular saying 'If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain', she conceived a mobile art installation that offers the elements of a live experience, blurs the line between reality and fantasy and can be viewed without violating the social distancing restrictions.

The innovative idea was embraced by Fingal’s County Council which commissioned the work, presenting it under its Public Art Programme as part of the ‘In this Together’ campaign.

"Fingal Arts Office is committed to the local and national “In this Together” campaign where Departments across Fingal County Council are delivering a range of programmes and initiatives to support people’s physical and emotional wellbeing during Covid 19, while they continue to work on the objectives as set out in their recently published Arts Strategy 2019 – 2025: Connecting People and Ideas and Bringing Fingal to Life Through the Arts," explained the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Eoghan O'Brien, quoted by the county council’s website.

"Transcending Time" was the name Aoife gave to her immersive mobile digital installation. “I am incredibly excited to create this work for my community, when art is needed now more than ever. As artists globally are turning to digital platforms to create new work and connect with their audience, I wanted to do something a little different and bring art to you. This work 'Transcending Time' speaks to perception, escapism and fantasy - a theatrical exploration of the borderline between reality and utopia.  I am extremely grateful to Fingal County Council for supporting my practice and helping me to create a truly unique, modern and original experience, said the artist.

Art installation displayed on demand  

Now Fingal residents can request the mobile digital artwork to be displayed outside their houses/area, by visiting a dedicated website. The Council assures that the project has carefully considered all current restrictions and will plan an appropriate route based on the location requests. The installation goes live on 8 – 10 June.



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