
Capri has introduced some new rules to improve public health, Source: Unsplash

Capri island bans smoking on its beaches

Capri island bans smoking on its beaches

There will be some cordoned areas on the coast where consuming tobacco will be possible, though

At the end of last week, the Municipality of Capri issued an ordinance which banned smoking tobacco products on this popular island’s beaches. The aim of the new regulation is to make Capri a “smoke-free destination”.

And while the ban on smoking will only apply to the island’s coast, another section of the ordinance prohibits the unrestricted throwing of tobacco products anywhere on the municipal territory, including the ground, in drains or in the water.

The aim of the promulgated regulation is motivated by the need to protect decorum, livability and public health.

Nevertheless, there will be a few specially designated areas on the beaches where smokers will be allowed to partake in their pastime.

The mayor of Capri, Paolo Falco, cited his powers to pass legislation protecting public health. It looks like his awareness of the dangers of smoking to general well-being has increased drastically after getting better acquainted with some scientific studies.

Recent studies show that air pollution caused by cigarette smoke under beach umbrellas can exceed that present in areas with high car traffic. A problem that worsens on summer days, is when the presence of families with children and pregnant women on the beaches is greater.

The order itself leans on such scientific evidence as a justification for the ban. Offenders risk paying anywhere between 25 and 500 euros depending on the severity of their violation.

The island authorities also get tough on dog owners

Tobacco is not the only thing that the island’s government is after in its quest to promote public decorum and better civility.

The very same day (2 August) that the anti-tobacco ordinance was passed saw the adoption of another regulation as well. That one deals with the unrestricted movements of domestic dogs.

Dog owners are mandated to keep their pets on a leash and, when out for a walk, to carry a pooper scooper or poop bags plus a bottle of water for washing away the spots where the dogs went number 1 or 2. In crowded areas, dogs must also wear muzzles.



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