
Bus stop

Checking online bus waiting time now possible in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Checking online bus waiting time now possible in Vitoria-Gasteiz

The Spanish city makes public transport even more convenient

TUVISA and the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council have launched an online system to inform users of the arrival times of buses at each station in real time. Thanks to this system, passenger will be able to easily find out how long they will have to wait until the next vehicle arrives. Previously, such information could only be obtained from stations with a Station Information Area (i.e, a screen). From now on, data from all network stations (over 300 in total) can be accessed. The only prerequisite - a smartphone or device with an Internet connection.

Information can be obtained in two ways:

  • With VGBus, which is a modern mobile web application. You can access it online from your mobile phone as it requires no download. It allows, for example, to find out about TUVISA stations around you, to search for stations by name or line or store them as a frequently used station. It also allows you to select a specific station and see information about the next buses to arrive or the schedule of trams in real time.
  • Using the QR codes at the stations. Passengers will be offered the option to install VGBus on their mobile device or access it via this link.When scanning the code, users will receive information about the next buses that will arrive at the current station on the phone screen.

Whatever the way, travelling in public transport in Vitoria Gasteiz has certainly become easier.



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