

Copenhagen prepares to bid adieu to nighttime weekend e-scooter rides

Copenhagen prepares to bid adieu to nighttime weekend e-scooter rides

One of Copenhagen’s biggest e-scooter vendors hopes that by shutting down the service during the night on weekends, less accidents will occur

Concerns over the safety of e-scooters have been on the rise in Denmark’s Copenhagen over the last few months and different parties are starting to take action. As TheMayor.EU reported earlier last week, government officials have already lodged a proposal making it mandatory to wear protective headgear while driving the vehicles.

Now private enterprises are also joining them on their quest of making the city’s streets safer as one of Copenhagen’s largest e-scooter vendors, Voi, has announced that it will be suspending its services during the night on weekends.

All together to improve safety

With data showing that driving an e-scooter is far more dangerous than riding a bike (7 times more dangerous, to be exact, according to the government’s data), the topic of preventing as many accidents as possible has gained traction. Thus, the electric scooter provider Voi has become the first large company to take action in this regard.

Already, those who are eager to get home after a rough Friday or Saturday night will find that Voi’s e-scooters are not working after midnight. By shutting down the service at those hours during the weekend, the company hopes to prevent intoxicated citizens from driving an e-scooter and potentially injuring themselves – a problem that has become widespread in Copenhagen ever since e-scooters became widely available.

Currently, the suspension of the service on weekends will be active only in the capital, but it is possible for Voi to roll out this change in Aarhus and Aalborg as well. Representatives of the company hope that other e-scooter providers will follow their example and will adopt the same measures in order to protect the health and safety of all their users.



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