
Dublin unveiled its first-ever Drone Strategy, Source: Unsplash

Dublin now has an official Drone Strategy

Dublin now has an official Drone Strategy

This is the first of its kind for the Irish capital and previews the usage of the flying machines in public services

The Dublin City Council announced that it is launching its first-ever Drone and Urban Air Mobility Strategy (2024-2029) with the aim of enhancing the carrying out of certain public services with the inclusion of newer flying technologies.

Dublin City Council's Smart City programme has been at the forefront of developing the Drone and Urban Air Mobility Strategy. It underpins the aim of the Irish capital to foster the local economy by comprising a dynamic drone technology ecosystem that would attract forward-thinking businesses to try out new solutions. But that’s not the only objective.

Drones will revolutionise how we approach various tasks, from emergency response and infrastructure inspections to environmental monitoring and urban planning. The benefits for our staff and citizens are immense, and we are committed to ensuring that Dublin remains at the forefront of this urban innovation," said Eileen Quinlivan, Assistant Chief Executive and Chair of the Drones High-Level Steering Group.

With this in mind, the Dublin City Council is setting up a new dedicated Drone Unit to centralise drone operations and support internal departments in adopting the technology.

The future potential of drones in urban services

Said unit will further develop existing capabilities and competencies to maximise efficiency across council services.

Within Council operations, drones are employed across various sectors including mapping, inspecting precarious buildings or used during emergency response. They have also proved practical in accessing difficult-to-reach areas for environmental monitoring and surveys, thus optimising management and overview of urban locations.

This strategy has been developed through extensive consultation with internal and external stakeholders, ensuring that it aligns with Dublin’s unique needs and leverages the latest advancements in drone technology. 



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