
Prague, Czechia

EIB invests EUR 191 million in Czech infrastructure projects

EIB invests EUR 191 million in Czech infrastructure projects

The loan will finance the upgrade of regional and municipal infrastructure

On 13 July, the European Investment Bank (EIB) announced that it has invested EUR 191 million for the development of regional and municipal infrastructure projects in Czechia. The funds will be given as a loan which will support the Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank (ČMZRB): the main provider of financial instruments in the country.

According to a press release by the EIB, ČMZRB is funded by both national resources and EU funds. As such, it works with the EIB group to contribute to the economic and social development of the country and its regions.

What will the loan finance?

It is a well-known fact that the past year has caused severe damage to various industries and the economy. Now, part of the EUR 191 million loan is expected to help the Czech economy recover from the negative impact of the pandemic.

In addition to this, financing will be provided for the renovation, upgrade, replacement, and reorganisation of urban infrastructure in the entire country. This will include the modernisation of social, cultural, and administrative buildings.

Beyond this, the environmental and energy efficiency of public buildings will also be improved. Finally, the projects will further focus on the improvement of transportation and healthcare infrastructure. In this way, EIB seeks to enhance the quality of life for citizens in the country and its regions.

Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the ČMZRB Jiří Jirásek commented on the EUR 191 million loan: “Current quite turbulent times show us the increased importance of stable and long-term support of Czech regions and urban areas across the country. The newly signed EIB loan is an excellent example of the common effort addressing identified regional needs, efficiently transformed into concrete action. I am pleased by the opportunity to assist in covering infrastructure gaps, together with our long-term and renowned partner which is the European Investment Bank Group.”

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