
Solar energy is one of the pillars of the European clean transition, Source: Unsplash

EU leans into solar power, with near 50% rise in installations in 2022

EU leans into solar power, with near 50% rise in installations in 2022

Which country is the champion in that regard? Read on to find out more

What is the state of solar power generation in Europe in a year when energy became synonymous with crisis but also with opportunity? According to a new report by SolarPower Europe, PV sector member association, things are panning out marvellously, though there is still a lot of room for growth. And there is a need, as well.

2022 was the year when solar facilities installation grew by an astounding 47% in the EU. In terms of capacity, this means 41.4 GW of new power has been added to the continental grid. In other words, enough to power the equivalent of 12.4 million households. For comparison, 28.1 GW were installed in 2021.

In one year, the bloc’s capacity to generate power from this renewable source has increased by 25 per cent.

The numbers are clear. Solar is offering a lifeline amid energy and climate crises. No other energy source is growing as quickly or reliably as solar,” states Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe.

Ironically – Thank you, Russia!

The EU has already been driving on the green energy transition road for the past few years, with some trepidation and uncertainty. But what really gave a boost to its engine and conviction to get serious about sustainability was somewhat unexpected and grim – the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which happened just next door.

In the face of an unprecedented energy crisis and heightened energy security concerns, there was, and still, there is a sense of urgency that clean energy transition has to happen sooner rather than later. We have to do it for the environment but also for ourselves and our strategic autonomy as Europeans.

The other great news from the report is that there are now ten EU countries adding at least 1GW of solar per year. Here’s the top 5 list of new installations capacity per country for 2022:

  1. Germany (8 GW)
  2. Spain (7.5 GW)
  3. Poland (4.9 GW)
  4. The Netherlands (4.0 GW)
  5. France (2.7 GW)

The International Energy Agency recommends that the EU install around 60 GW of solar power in 2023 to compensate for shortfalls in Russian gas supply. With rapid and targeted support, solar power could fill the gap, reaching up to 67.8 GW of installations in 2023 in a high scenario.  



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