

Find out how the Romanian Municipality of Slatina takes care of its citizens during the hottest days of summer

Find out how the Romanian Municipality of Slatina takes care of its citizens during the hottest days of summer

During the summer months, the elderly and the infirm are most at danger

The high temperatures of the summer season can affect the health, with the most prone categories being the elderly or those with chronic diseases. Therefore, the City Hall of Slatina decided to place 3 modern first aid points, to replace the old tents used in previous years.

First aid services and information about the current Covid-19 situation

The representatives of the Slatina Social Assistance Department informed that they will operate on the days when weather warnings are in force. Every citizen or guest of the city who will need first aid services will be closely monitored by the nurses of the Slatina Social Assistance Directorate, until they can go home safely or, as the case may be, until the arrival of emergency medical crews.

At the new first aid points, people can also receive information about protection against the heatwave or about the current Covid-19 situation. According to City Hall statement, the people of Slatina said that now they benefit from much better conditions than those offered in previous years, and many of them are confident to use the medical services offered by the Slatina Social Assistance Department.

The three first aid points have already been placed in the busiest areas of the city, respectively on A. I. Cuza Boulevard, near the Traffic Police headquarters, in the Post Office area, near the Fountain of Hope and on Zahana Square. The new information, medical and social assistance centres will be open on days when there is an extreme temperature warning in force, between 10 am and 6 pm on weekdays, and from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays.



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