
Pleven is one the first city in the country to move to energy efficient street lights , Source: City of Pleven

First Bulgarian city makes the switch to energy-efficient lights with one fell swoop

First Bulgarian city makes the switch to energy-efficient lights with one fell swoop

With the new street lights, Pleven authorities report a 40% drop in monthly energy consumption

Yesterday, local authorities in Pleven, Bulgaria, announced that after reconstructing the streetlight system in the city, the municipality has recorded a 40% drop in monthly energy consumption. According to a statement by Mayor Georg Spartanski, the move has led to massive savings for the municipality, especially considering current energy prices.

The mayor outlined that in March 2019, before the reconstruction project started, the municipality used 252,887 kilowatt-hours of electricity. In March 2022, that number fell to 161,220 kilowatt-hours, with Spartanski saying that records show a consistent 36% to 40% reduction on a monthly basis.

Mayor Spartanski also said that with the new development, Pleven has become the first city in the country that has completely redeveloped its streetlight system with new energy-efficient and sustainable lights.

A good deal to transform the city

The City of Pleven was able to secure a very good deal for reconstructing the streetlight system. According to an official statement, it signed a contract with Street Lighting - Sofia (Ulichno Osvetlenie) through which the latter had to cover the entire reconstruction.

The municipality would have to start paying out the investment in instalments for the next 10 years after the project has started working. Development started in early 2020 and finished in 2021.

It included 7,272 energy-efficient streetlights and a centralized system for control and monitoring of the network. Also, the project called for fixing 339 electric boards, 294 new steel lamp poles, 2,259 new mounting installations and various mechanical elements throughout the city.

The total investment cost was just over 5 million levs, the equivalent of 2.5 million euros. Yet, city authorities say that compared to 2019 prices, the new light system would save around 600,000 levs per year, around 300,000 euros.



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