
The would be part of the city's anti-corruption authority , Source: Sinan Erg / Unsplash

Frankfurt opens a whistleblower office

Frankfurt opens a whistleblower office

The office will help against corruption and violations in the local administration

On 15 January, Frankfurt authorities announced the creation of a dedicated whistleblower office which will help the work of local anti-corruption authorities. The office will serve as the middle man between individuals who have witnessed crimes and law violations from the administration and investigative authorities, both internally and with the aid of the police if needed.

The office will be one of the first of its kind in Germany and would allow people to report abuse through secure channels without worrying about reprisals. Frankfurt’s mayor, Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg was quoted in a press statement explaining that there are various forms of violations that can occur in the local administration.

This would include issues with occupational safety, health protection, the minimum wage law, the requirements of the temporary employment law and more.

Protecting whistleblowers

Whistleblowers are people who have received information about violations in the course of their professional activity and then pass it on to internal or external reporting offices. For example, employees, civil servants, the self-employed, shareholders, interns, volunteers, employees of suppliers and people whose employment has already ended or has not yet begun and who are in a pre-contractual stage.

Meanwhile, providing adequate administrative protection for these people would help make the local administration healthier, as it can mitigate the power imbalance between ethical and unethical actors. Moreover, the burden of proof during an investigation flowing a signal will not fall on the whistleblower, but on the employer.  

Frankfurt’s Head of Human Resources, Bastian Bergerhoff, was quoted in a press statement explaining all whistleblowers have to do is learn of someone’s past or planned actions and contact the office. The contact can be in person, via e-mail or by telephone call.

He continued by explaining: "This report will then be carefully examined internally and possibly also by the police and public prosecutor's office. If the violation is confirmed, follow-up measures are taken, including those relating to labour and service law.”



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