
General Assembly of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities , Source: EIP-SCC

General Assembly of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities on 27-28 June is Sofia

General Assembly of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities on 27-28 June is Sofia

Great opportunity for #SmartCity actors to exchange best practices

The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) brings together cities, industry and citizens to improve urban life through more sustainable integrated solutions. Its marketplace is an initiative to support projects in at least 300 cities with up to € 1 billion of investment, involving public and private investors and banks.

Among the speakers:  

  • Miguel Arias Cañete - European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy
  • Mariya Gabriel - European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society
  • Matej Zakonjšek - Head of Cabinet, Mobility and Transport

This year’s EIP-SCC General Assembly will create a matchmaking space where promoters can present their projects and find partners to make investments, while exchanging and disseminating best practices in the main sectors producing services for urban communities. Thanks to years of public support for smart city projects, replicable business models are now available. This event will aim to showcase the commitment of smart cities investors and to help cities develop strategies to attract them.

Source: European Commission



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