
Bremerhaven says feeding the ducks is not cool, Source: Depositphotos

German city explains why feeding ducks is a bad thing

German city explains why feeding ducks is a bad thing

Bremerhaven is worried about the spreading of infections through this seemingly innocent act of compassion

Feeding the semi-wild ducks in the pond is one of those activities favoured by people who like spending time in city parks and contemplating life. However, according to the city of Bremerhaven, in northern Germany, this pastime is a problem that needs to be ended because it endangers the public health of animals and potentially of people, too.

Feeding the ducks may seem like such a compassionate and lovely thing to do but the reality as it turns out is a bit more sinister.

“Every time a duck is fed, many birds come together. There is a risk that pathogens are transmitted much more easily than if the birds were to search in their natural environment,” explained Bernd Quellmalz, from the BUND Bremen environmental association, quoted by Radio Bremen.

The issue is that this could facilitate the spread of diseases, such as bird flu, which may also have implications for human health. It turns out that just like with people, ducks gathering in close contact and sharing food makes it so much easier to transmit airborne infections.

And that’s not all, unfortunately. If mouldy bread sinks to the bottom of the pond it begins rotting which causes a lack of oxygen and that’s bad news for the fish inhabiting the lake.

In addition, city rats get hungry, too. The more bread there is around the water, the more interest the rodents will have, and they will come there. Another reason why feeding ducks is not in the public's interest.

Yet banning the practice is still under consideration

So, why not just make feeding the ducks illegal? Curiously enough, feeding seagulls and pigeons has already been outlawed in that city with an ordinance. Being caught feeding these birds can cost you up to 2,500 euros, but when it comes to ducks there are only signs warning people not to feed the waterfowl and fish without the threat of a sanction.

The Senate of Bremen has already passed a resolution to make this a punishable offence, however, the Bremen Citizen’s Assembly still has to approve this. Bremerhaven, as the port city of Bremen, forms part of the Bremen city-state.



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