
A person teaching someone how to use a laptop

Helsinki to promote integration of newcomers by offering digital support

Helsinki to promote integration of newcomers by offering digital support

The city currently has more than 150 digital support points

The capital of Finland has set itself an ambitious goal as it is working towards becoming the world’s most functional city. It follows then, that Helsinki has begun the digitisation of its services to ensure that residents can access the city’s services whenever they need them and wherever they may be.

While this undoubtedly makes life easier for many residents, it does not take into account the people who lack the digital skills which are required for one to make use of the digital services. This was pointed out by the Uusimaa Digital Support Network (UuDi) which noted that digital support must be offered to those who immigrate to Finland.

Newcomers will receive digital skills support

According to the city’s website, many newcomers often lack the digital competence which is needed in our world today. For this reason, the city seeks to equip newcomers with skills which will help them gain access to government services, education, work, and leisure. By offering such support from the very beginning of their move, Helsinki will facilitate their integration process.

In a press release on the city’s website, Project Manager Tanna Rantanen explained: “Digital skills need to be strongly integrated into the wider integration process. Digital support experts can be actively involved in the planning of measures to promote integration. Digital skills are a prerequisite for active social participation.”

What support is provided and how can it be accessed?

The digital support services offered by Helsinki include teaching people how to use equipment and online services. In addition to this, experts will answer questions such as where one can find jobs online, how they can create a CV, email an attachment, etc.

Currently, Helsinki has over 150 digital support points throughout the city; these include libraries, youth houses, centres for the elderly and labour colleges, among others. Support can be received at one of these points or remotely via phone or chat.

What is more, one can also attend courses and thematic lectures on digital skills. Finally, it is important to note that support will be provided in several languages to guarantee that everyone who needs help will be able to receive it.

Earlier this year, Helsinki also launched an online platform to facilitate the integration of international residents. Through such actions, the city proves that it is determined to do all it can to ease the integration process of newcomers and make them feel at home.



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