
gospic, Source: INekic / CC BY-SA 4.0

High speed internet on its way to Croatia’s Lika region

High speed internet on its way to Croatia’s Lika region

A project worth nearly 100 million kuna will develop high speed internet in the towns of Gospić, Otočac and Plitvice Lakes

High-speed broadband is not a luxury but a necessity. This has become especially evident over the last few months throughout which most citizens of Europe were forced to remain locked up in their homes, relying on the internet for their not only for their entertainment but also for their livelihoods.

That is why EU-funded projects that improve internet connectivity across member states have risen even further in prominence as they guarantee European citizens a quality service that would allow them to function better in our increasingly digital world.

Great progress for Croatia’s Lika region

One of the main problems that the Croatian region of Lika has been facing has been its lack of proper high-speed broadband infrastructure. It has been touted as one of the main issues for tourists who have been turned off from visiting due to poor service and reception and have instead ventured onto other parts of the country.

Through a 100-million-kuna project, however, Lika’s problems will be left in the past. The Broadband Internet Infrastructure Development Project was greenlit in 2017 and since then a number of cities in the region have been building up their digital capabilities – first among them, the town of Gospic, which is the project holder and chief implementor.

The delivery of funds has also been approved to other co-executors of the project, namely the municipality of Plitvice Lakes and the city of Otocac. Together, they are building capabilities that will bring the entire region of Lika into the 21st century, allowing it to quickly become more competitive not only in terms of tourism but also in the entirety of its economic output, which is becoming increasingly dependent on high-quality internet connection.



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