

Liepaja sets out to preserve local cultural monuments

Liepaja sets out to preserve local cultural monuments

The city is ready to allocate at least 100,000 euros for the initiative and is looking for project submissions

For a sixth consecutive year, the municipality of Liepaja is ready to co-finance projects aimed at preserving local cultural heritage and monuments. Authorities have set aside 100,000 euros for the initiative and are ready to allocate even more provided there is an appetite by residents.

Conditions and objectives

The project submission phase is scheduled to end on 20 March and the local government is inviting all building owners whose property is labelled as a cultural monument to submit their applications for preservation projects.

As has been the case in previous years, the maximum amount of funding that will be allocated to a single project can not exceed 20,000 euros. That, however, does not mean that building owners can not submit pricier applications. They are still eligible for multi-year co-financing of up to 50,000 euros.

Furthermore, if the project allows for the municipality to choose the contractors who carry out the construction work and construction supervision, the local government will provide 100% of the funding in the submitted application.

The municipality is also eager to remind potential applicants that co-financing will be provided only for construction work aimed at restoration and conservation of cultural heritage sites and for the preparation of various kinds of documentation – such as construction projects, cultural and historical research of the respective building and others.

Over the past 5 years, since the co-financing initiative was first launched, Liepaja municipality has co-financed 110 projects at a total cost of more than 750,000 euros. 63 of these projects had the goal of preparing documentation and 47 were aimed at preserving and renovating monuments through construction efforts.

The city of Liepaja has been hard at work at improving its infrastructural base over the past few years and has also recently unveiled its overall plans and ambitions for the coming years.

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