

Linz begins charting a path towards the future

Linz begins charting a path towards the future

Over the next few months, locals will be debating and pitching their ideas for the long-term development of the city

What do you want Linz to look like in the future? That is the question being asked by the city’s authorities as they invite citizens to take part in a series of debates over the next few months. Local authorities are acting on their promise to involve all who consider Linz their home in the city’s transformation as they chart its future course together, as a single unit.

Forging a long-term vision

Last February, local authorities in Linz presented the city’s 2020 urban development strategy which envisioned the carrying out of several events meant to engage the local population in the creation of a long-term vision for the Upper Austrian capital.

Those events, however, were delayed as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and were postponed until the epidemiological situation permitted it. With the easing of coronavirus restrictions and with authorities confident they can handle the situation, the first of 5 such events was held earlier this week on Wednesday 23 September, with locals and experts jointly discussing the topic of the “urban economy”. As part of the city’s overall strategy, these debates and discussions are then followed by workshops during which locals can create concrete solutions and proposals and give shape to their own ideas – thereby actively contributing to the city’s future development.

“For a city to develop positively in the long term, it needs a clear vision. With the urban development strategy to be drawn up, the city of Linz is for the first time giving itself clear guidelines that will be followed in future development steps. I am therefore very happy about the fixed format of the disputes, which gives citizens the opportunity to discuss and develop their immediate living environment themselves,” explained Linz’s mayor Klaus Luger.

Over the next couple of months, the city will be hosting another 4 debates, focusing on different topics and themes, that will ultimately join together in creating a cohesive, feasible and achievable vision for the future of Linz.

The topics and dates are as follows:

  • Urban Growth, 7 October 2020, 6.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. – focusing on the question of how the city should expand in the future and how can public space be used to achieve maximum effect
  • City Life, 14 October 2020, 6.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. – focusing on improving the quality of life in the city through different projects and initiatives
  • City Network, 4 November 2020, 6.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m.- focusing on how the city can improve its functioning by improving communication with citizens and by working alongside different interested parties and stakeholders in its surroundings
  • City Future, 18 November 2020, 6.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. – this final debate will focus on a broader range of topics meant to orientate the city to the future and leave the best possible urban environment to future generations.

All the discussions will be held in the Linz Town Hall and will be attended by renowned experts and city officials who will work jointly with locals to produce the best results possible.



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