
ljubljana, Source: City of Ljubljana

Ljubljana presents 2020-2030 urban forest development strategy

Ljubljana presents 2020-2030 urban forest development strategy

The Slovenian capital believes that forests are among the most valuable resources available to a city

Forests are some of the most important resources available to cities, according to Ljubljana officials who presented their own Strategy for the Development of Urban Forests for the 2020-2030 period earlier this week. The main goal of the strategy is to lay out a clear vision for the sustainable management of greenery of the Slovene capital.

Paying attention where it matters

Forests – especially ones located in or near urban areas – play a pivotal role in a city’s development and growth. They serve not only aesthetic purposes but also play a vital part in the preservation of life – they increase and sustain biodiversity, mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and, of course, also provide a good place to run off to should one crave close contact with nature. It is precisely because of these benefits, that Ljubljana’s local authorities want to establish a proper procedure for their sustainable care and growth in the coming years.

The strategy was not only designed but will also be implemented alongside the European URBforDAN project – whose purpose is to promote the use of urban forests as natural heritage in cities across the Danube. What it features is the implementation of a vast array of measures related to the project meant to diversify the life and growth of the urban forest, the installation of equipment, information boards and guidance poles and the creation of proper walking paths.

The strategy and its important role in urban development was summarized by Ljubljana’s deputy mayor prof. Janez Koželj who stated that “the strategy must primarily meet the needs of both forest users and the expectations of its owners, count on the abilities of contractors, respond to the abilities of all participants, take into account their willingness and belief to connect into a creative community.”

A public discussion on the Strategy will be held on 23 June at 5 PM within the premises of the Trnovo railway station. Authorities want as many citizens as possible to take part in the talks as their satisfaction remains one of the primary goals of the entire project.




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