
The COVID agents and their uniforms, Source: Ajuntament de Lleida

Lleida fights COVID and unemployment with special agents

Lleida fights COVID and unemployment with special agents

Nine people from the city were selected for this new municipal position

Since 1 June, the Spanish city of Lleida has been enjoying the services of a new crew – the so-called COVID agents. This team consists of 9 people, who were selected to assist the Guàrdia Urbana municipal police in carrying out their activities in terms of bringing peace, calm and orderliness in the field of COVID-related issues, such as compliance with health measures.

What is more, all these agents were previously unemployed, so giving them these new and responsible positions is meant to serve as a way to provide them with new skills so they can improve their employability. The contracts of the COVID agents are temporary and will last for 9 months (or until 28 February 2022).

The pandemic has created a new profession

At the end of July, the Mayor of Lleida, Miquel Pueyo, thanked the work carried out by the Covid agents, who he said were one of the most visible symbols of the City Hall among the public. The mayor addressed the agents during a greeting that took place at the Police Station of the Guàrdia Urbana.

He described the team as the mainstays of a service that brings patience, capacity for dialogue and a steady hand in conflicts and mediations.

The tasks performed by these agents, while supervised by the Guàrdia Urbana, are as follows:

  • Information, awareness and promotion of civic attitudes with the aim of improving good coexistence and respect among citizens;
  • Control of access to municipal facilities and the possible accumulation of people during public events;
  • Monitoring compliance with the health measures provided for the prevention of Covid-19;
  • Monitoring and control of compliance with the quarantine of people affected by Covid-19;
  • Support people isolated due to Covid-19;
  • Mediation and resolution of civic conflicts;
  • Awareness and dissemination of the municipal waste collection system to improve the adaptation of newcomers to the municipality during the fruit harvest campaign.  

As is visible from the last two, the duties of the agents can also extend beyond Covid-related issues. Perhaps it is a sign of experimenting with the creation of such a position with a view to maintaining a new force of civil guardians in the future. It remains to be seen.



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