
Qrendi iBin, Source: iBin, Qrendi © David Schembri

Malta uses Internet of Things technology to monitor smart bins

Malta uses Internet of Things technology to monitor smart bins

The introduction of intelligent bins has increased the collection of recyclables by 51% for several months

Malta has just launched an online portal to track and monitor the state of the intelligent recycle bins on its territory. Through the innovative system, each one of 800 iBins (intelligent bins) is followed closely by the service operator and by citizens. The new portal introduced this week by GreenPak COOP will enable to see the closest iBin and provide real-time information on its remaining capacity. This will ultimately lead to more efficient collection and disposal.

Thanks to latest developments, the iBins can measure their fill-level and transmit the information to a central system using a Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) technology provided by Vodafone Malta. They can also detect abnormal temperatures, and in the case of a fire, emit a signal calling for assistance. What is more, the 24/7 service considerably improves the user’s experience in comparison to door-to-door collection.

Waste is separated by GreenPak into plastic, paper, glass and metal respectively into blue, white, brown and black containers. Ever since the introduction of waste separation, the operator GreenPak has registered very positive results and feedback from the general public. This is readily apparent by simply noticing the reduced amount of overflowing recycling bins and the increase in volume of recycled materials in the Mediterranean country. The company boasts a 51% increase in recycling collection rate since the introduction of bins last year.

And you? Are you living in Malta? Here is the link to check the availability of the bins around you

This project was realised thanks to the Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes and the financial contribution by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under Operational Programme I - European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 “Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges”. The EU-contribution is at 80% of the total required amount, while the rest comes from national co-funding.



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