
The Colosseum is also marvelous at night, Source: Unsplash

Night tours in the Colosseum are back: Here’s how to book one

Night tours in the Colosseum are back: Here’s how to book one

If the Roman sun gets too much, you can still enjoy ancient heritage in the cooler hours

Night tours in Rome’s Colosseum are back. As of yesterday, 4 July, visitors can feel the atmosphere of the Italian capital’s iconic site by diving into its interior and underground areas once the sun has set. This time around the initiative is called Una notte al Colosseo (One Night at the Colosseum).

There will be four tours every evening between 8 PM and midnight, with each of them lasting about an hour.

The tour, enlivened by multimedia projections, includes a visit to the new permanent exhibition called Spettacoli nell’Arena del Colosseo. I protagonisti (Spectacles in the Colosseum’s Arena. The Protagonists) in the underground area, with the last entry at 10:30 PM.

Who were the protagonists of these shows though? Without a doubt, everyone visiting the grandiose arena wants to learn more about the gladiators and feel the atmosphere these men must have felt, even if one probably wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.

The new exhibition builds upon a temporary one that was in place before it by honouring the men but also the animals who formed the soul of the shows that were the whole reason for the existence of the Colosseum.

Holographic projections

Arguably, the coolest addition to the tours is the evocative holographic projection with the gladiators advancing from the darkness of the eastern cryptoporticus to meet their destiny in the arena, together with the reconstructions of the armour reproduced starting from the originals preserved in the main Italian and international museums.

The tour then explores the structure of the underground corridors through a moonlit walk along the walkway to the western control room.

The tours are available in Italian and English. The full admission price is 50 euros, which includes the guided tour and a Full Experience Ticket. The awesome thing is that the ticket itself doesn’t end with the tour but also grants you access on the following day to the archaeological area of ​​the Roman Forum – Palatine, for the SUPER sites and for the Imperial Forums.

You can book your night tours at the Colosseum’s official website.



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