
PeczLearningCity, Source: Pixabay

Pécs – the city without borders

Pécs – the city without borders

The learning city of Pécs is a model for bottom-up growth

A learning city is a city without borders. The proud winner of the 2017 Learning City Award – the Hungarian city of Pécs – is inclusive, multicultural, but conserves and adds up to its rich cultural heritage. The three principles of becoming a lifelong learning city that Pécs follows are education and lifelong learning, community learning, strengthening communities. Nine minority groups are represented in local government: German, Roma, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Polish, Greek, Ukrainian and Ruthenian.  Various cultural and learning activities like a German cultural centre and full educational cycle for Romani people are proof of a successful approach towards integration.  Cooperation between local authorities and the University with 650-years old history bears results in programmes of lifelong learning and a Senior Academy; minorities’ festivals attract thousands of visitors every year. Communities learn and exchange best practices across cities, but also – neighbourhoods.

The city is also a member of the Healthy cities project of WHO, which promotes sustainable well-being. Pécs hosted an international conference on Learning Cities and Culture Working Together in September, which engaged politicians, academics and high-level organizations with the topics of smart development, business, integration and culture.

Source: Municipality of Pécs, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning



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