
school cyprus

Schools in Cyprus set to begin reopening on 11 May

Schools in Cyprus set to begin reopening on 11 May

Special schedules will be devised for students in order to ensure adherence to social distancing measures

Thanks to its exceptional handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Cyprus is now gearing up to finally lift its own lockdown restrictions – and it’s starting out with a bang by commencing the reopening of educational institutions in May.

The first steps to be undertaken by the Cypriot government in terms of schools and kindergartens are meant to provide parents with the opportunity to finally get back to work after spending months being stuck at home, taking care of their children.

Thanks to theсe measures, authorities believe that they will be able to not only restart some decorum of economic activity but will also prevent further delays in the education of the country’s youth.

Authorities will employ a staggered approach, with the goal of preventing large numbers of children from being cooped up in one place at the same time. Restrictions will first be lifted for final year high school students on 11 May. Some 10 days later, on 21 May, everybody else will also be allowed to go back.

Special measures and adapting to changed circumstances

The coronavirus pandemic, however, or the memory of it, at least, will remain with us for a while. That is fact well-recognized by Cypriot authorities and they want to integrate it fully into the country’s educational system.

To that end, new special measures will be introduced after the opening of the first educational establishments. They include:

  • Dividing students into separate groups, coming in at different days and hours
  • Capping attendance in classrooms at 12 persons
  • Testing of teachers and students
  • Seminars for teachers on safety and distancing
  • New lessons for students on social distancing, hygiene and personal responsibility
  • Mandatory personal protection equipment for staff and students

The final details are yet to be ironed out, but the government is confident that its approach will work given time and after a period of adjustment.



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