
Don't miss out the 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns in Aalborg , Source: EU Sustainable Cities

The 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns in Aalborg will boost climate partnerships

The 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns in Aalborg will boost climate partnerships

The organizers are making a stake to foster committed action on the part of the governments through the Aalborg Conditions

October is fast approaching, which means that soon local politicians, academic experts and civil society activists from different stripes, but united in their quest to promote more habitable urban environments, will gather at the 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns in Aalborg, 1-3 October.

The Danish city has become a landmark spot for groundbreaking initiatives linked to this important conference and we are confident that this edition will be no exception.

In fact, there’s already a solid confirmation about this after the event organizers announced that the conference will produce a new document, called the Aalborg Conditions, which will be a platform to facilitate and bind commitment by national and local governments in their initiatives to create and develop more sustainable cities and towns.

Aalborg builds up its pioneering legacy in the environmental sphere

The Aalborg Conditions will call upon national governments and the European Union institutions to enter into a real and serious collaboration with local governments. They will build upon the framework and expectations already established by previous documentary frameworks, such as the Aalborg Charter (1994) and the Aalborg Commitments (2004). The earlier frameworks served to encourage and establish common understanding and commitment across the board when it comes to issues stemming from the environmental impact on cities.

"We need continuous exchange and collaboration across all governance levels, enabling the revision of outdated regulations, removal of regulatory hurdles, and establishment of experimental spaces essential for testing innovative or alternative approaches and solutions within our cities and towns," says a statement from the event organizers.

Moving on with the times, the Aalborg Conditions will thus represent a stronger urge to action on the part of the relevant administrations.

Be there for the launch of the Aalborg Conditions and register as a participant to find a place among the best minds seeking to answer big questions about financingcooperation across governance levels and the means to becoming a thriving European city or town.



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