
App, Source: Luca Bravo/Unsplash

The city of Lahti launched an app for tracking daily trips and the resulting emissions

The city of Lahti launched an app for tracking daily trips and the resulting emissions

CitiCAP project reduces the emissions from urban transport by means of personal carbon trading

The main objective of the CitiCAP (Citizens’ cap-and-trade co-created) project is to reduce the emissions from urban transport by means of personal carbon trading. Personal emissions are traded using a mobile application based on identification of the form of mobility. An application that identifies the form of mobility and that will be integrated into the final personal carbon trading app has been tested with residents. The fair allocation of personal emission allowances has been investigated with an allocation survey conducted on residents. In addition to the survey, an allocation game in which the allocation of emission allowances was considered through a game. The responses received in the game will also be taken into account as qualitative data in deciding the allocation method.

Lahti has already launched the test version of a mobility application with which users can track their daily trips and the resulting emissions. The application automatically identifies the different forms of mobility. The app will later be incorporated into the actual carbon trading application, Kulkukauppa. This experiment with a limited number of users allows the CitiCAP project to gain unique data on travel chains and the carbon footprint of users' mobility. The data can be used to prepare the final application and the calculation rules for the CitiCAP carbon trading pilot. The data collected will also be used to test technical architecture and integrations as well as to experiment with analysis methods. The data collected through the application also provides valuable information on the mobility of residents that is needed to promote sustainable mobility in the city.

Source: Lahti Municipality



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