
coronavirus response

The European Commission sets up a Coronavirus info page

The European Commission sets up a Coronavirus info page

If offers coronavirus statistics and updates, and lists responsible institutions per member state

Hardly is there an active European that has not heard of the coronavirus outbreak yet. Having affected Italy most seriously in the EU, the disease has already spread to almost all member states.

A list of info points per European country

If you, too, are looking for a more comprehensive information source about the coronavirus situation in Europe, the European Commission has got you covered. The coronavirus response page on the Commission webpage gives you all sorts of information, including:

  • Up-to-date information on the number of registered cases and deaths per country, including the EU/EEA the UK, Monaco, San Marino and Switzerland;
  • Main official sources to get coronavirus information per member state and links to their websites;
  • A Twitter feed with latest updates on the matter and more.

Towards a common course of action by the European Union

The role of the European Commission is mostly to support member states on the reaction to the coronavirus treat and to recommend a common course of action. Accordingly, the EU institution has appointed a European Corona response team consisting of 5 commissioners to coordinate the work:

  • Janez Lenarčič, in charge of crisis management
  • Stella Kyriakides, in charge of all health issues
  • Ylva Johansson, in charge of border-related issues
  • Adina Vălean, in charge of mobility
  • Paolo Gentiloni, in charge of macroeconomic aspects

Furthermore, the EC has activated the ARGUS crisis coordination mechanism to draft recommendations in the spheres of public health, transport, border control, internal markets and trade. The objective: to make sure that individual states are contributing to and not undermining the collective efforts to constrain the virus.

Finally, the webpage also offers a number of studies, academic articles and information resources on the COVID 19 outbreak, for those interested more deeply into the scientific dimensions of the phenomenon.



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