
The European Hydrogen Week will be held in November, Source: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)

The next European Hydrogen Week will take place in November

The next European Hydrogen Week will take place in November

Between 29 November and 3 December 2021 policy makers will discuss how to help decarbonise the economy

The second edition of the European Hydrogen Week will take place 29 November – 3 December 2021. The dialogue event will include EU politicians, business leaders, civil society representatives and academic researchers who will address recent advances in hydrogen technology.

The first event of this type was launched last year and even though it was held online it was able to show how clean hydrogen could decarbonise many sectors of the economy. The activities taking place during this year’s event will include the Hydrogen Forum, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology Joint Working Days, and the FCH (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy) awards.

Hybrid event depending on the health regulations

The European Hydrogen Week is critical for the hydrogen industry. Last year during the event, Valérie Bouillon-Delporte, President of Hydrogen Europe, announced plans to install 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles in Europe, as well as 1,000 hydrogen stations to service these trucks, by 2030.

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership will be a key instrument in the implementation of the European Hydrogen Strategy and for achieving the EU Green Deal goals. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is the successor of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Undertaking. Together with the Clean Hydrogen Alliance, it will contribute to the achievement of the Union's objectives put forward to the strategy.

For now, the European Hydrogen Week is planning a hybrid event, however, this has not been determined yet. More will be decided closer to the actual date when pandemic restrictions in place will be known and that will determine the final format of the event. More details on registration, schedule, and information regarding the activities will be available soon.



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