
Valencia, Source: Pixabay

Third edition of Valencia Social awards

Third edition of Valencia Social awards

Discover the most innovative projects that benefit people

The Hemicycle of the City Council today hosted the delivery of the awards of 12 out of the 30 projects submitted to the III edition of the Social Innovation Awards. This initiative is promoted by the Department of Innovation and Knowledge Management with the objective of recognizing and making visible the best civil society initiatives aiming to promote responsible consumption, increase citizen participation, provide solutions to social problems and apply social innovation to schools. The best project in each of these categories received a prize of 3,000 euro and a promotional video.

The Councillor for Innovation and Knowledge Management, Roberto Jaramillo, has participated today in the award ceremony and expressed his admiration of the effort and dedication of the people and organisations of Valencia who work and provide transformative ideas for the benefits for people.

The largest number of projects - 17 - applied for «Best creative solution to social problems», which Gonzalo Cañada won with its system for monitoring and early detection of traffic jams in sanitation networks. The two other finalists are a project promoted by the Association Functional Sexuality, and another of therapeutic theatre promoted by the Asperger València association.

12 projects applied for "Best citizen participation project". The proposal of the Measurement Association has been highlighted, which involves the collaboration of different agents to control pollution and the environmental impact of the polluting particles. The finalists were the association Intramurs for «artistic experimentation in the Mediterranean», and the association Possibilitats, author of «Benimaclet with Fusion 2017»

Among the 11 proposals in the category "Best experience of Social Innovation in schools", the winner is the project of socio-educational transformation in El Cabanyal driven by the parish of Our Lady of the Angels. The initiatives of the parish Our Lady of the Forsaken of Nazareth, and the Association of Mothers and Fathers of the Mariner Humanist Public School have also been highlighted.

Finally, the "Massa per a la carabasa" idea of ​​the neighbourhood association of Campana, promoting local consumption, was awarded in the category "Best experience in responsible consumption".

Source: Municipality of Valencia



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