

Ventspils is getting ready for autumn

Ventspils is getting ready for autumn

The city residents are invited to pack the fallen leaves in bags

The leaves are turning yellow and red, the air is crispier, the rains are more common – autumn is officially on. On that occasion, the authorities in the Latvian city of Ventspils have decided to remind its residents about the specialized services that exist regarding the collection of fallen leaves. People who clean their yards can pack the leaves in bags and hand them over to the Municipal Administration (Komunālā pārvalde) free of charge starting from 1 October.

Loose leaves can block storm drains on the streets and create obstacles

In order to qualify for the free collection services, residents are invited to apply for leaf removal by calling Komunālā pārvalde at 636 24269 or sending an e-mail to They can do so any time between 1 October and 15 November, provided they also indicate the address where the bags will have to be picked up.

There are certain conditions, however, which people are advised to be mindful of. For example, they should not pack more than 20-25 kgs of leaves in a single bag as this might cause them to break and tear thus creating more trouble and work for the collection workers.

Another thing to keep in mind is that leaf bags are only for leaves, as these will go into the making of compost. This means that residents should not stack household waste and branches in the bags. If they do so they run the risk of not having their bags collected.

If residents do not want to wait for the collection services, they also have the option of delivering the bags themselves to the waste collection points located at Jēkaba ​​Street 47 and Siguldas Street 8a every day at 10-19, except Mondays.

Every year more than 12 000 leaf bags are collected during the autumn season in Ventspils.



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