
Two dogs enjoying a day at the beach, Source: Depositphotos

Will Portugal allow pets access to the country’s beaches?

Will Portugal allow pets access to the country’s beaches?

One small political party is fighting for this to happen with a new draft bill

Did you know that domestic pets are largely not allowed on Portuguese beaches? Except for six concessioned beaches, domestic animals, which usually means dogs, cannot accompany their owners on their outings to spend a nice day soaking in the sun, sea and sand.

PAN, the smallest party in the Portuguese Parliament, however, wants to change that with the argument that preventing pets from accessing the beaches represents a discrimination of sorts. The full name of the party, which counts with only one MP in the assembly, is Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (People-Animals-Nature).

The party leader, Inês Sousa Real, has presented a bill that seeks to change the current regime regarding pets on the beach so that all beaches will begin letting household animals in, under certain conditions.

Reality of the modern Portuguese family structure

PAN points out that, currently, anyone who walks with a pet on a beach where it is not permitted is subject to a fine of up to 2,500 euros and argues that the current legislation “is not in line with the advances and understandings of society and the way it views pets”.

Since they are seen as an integral part of the family, they should also be able to accompany their family in their activities, such as those carried out outdoors, such as going to the beach, as is already the case in several European countries”, states PAN, according to The Portugal News.

According to a study, cited by the MP, nowadays 56% of Portuguese households have at least one pet. That means that pet ownership is a mainstream norm in society and discriminating against pets on the beach indirectly discriminates against pet owners making their access to beaches more complicated since they’d have to find ways to leave their pets in someone else’s care while going to the coast.

PAN says that allowing pets on the beaches would also mean the installation of waste collection points and hydration spots for the animals.



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