
Rotterdam awesome cheque, Source: Awesome Foundation Rotterdam

Win 1,000 euros to reduce food waste in Rotterdam

Win 1,000 euros to reduce food waste in Rotterdam

A local foundation is on the lookout for practical solutions to a growing problem

Interesting and practical small-scale solutions to food wasting in Rotterdam will get the chance to receive funding from a Dutch-based foundation. Awesome Rotterdam, together with Rotterdam Circular will give a micro-grant of 1000 euros for the realisation of ideas that will help Rotterdam residents throw away fewer edible goods.

Microgrants make Rotterdam better

An average of 34 kilograms – this is the amount of food that every resident of Rotterdam could save if they did not throw away so much food, according to Awesome. Here is why the local community launched a competition for ideas, the best among which will receive funding.

Ideas are accepted until 30 August on The authors of the best ideas will be invited to a pitch evening on 8 September on the Stadsterras Binnenrotte to present them. The event will be corona-proof and live-streamed on the organisation’s website.

The Awesome Foundation Rotterdam is a local community-based organization in the Dutch city. Through various initiatives throughout the year, they give a platform to ideas aimed to make Rotterdam more 'awesome', cool, and social. They organize these kinds of evenings several times a year always under a different theme.

This time, the topic is food waste and for this purpose, each of the foundation’s 20 trustees makes 50 euros available for a total of 1,000 euros to be given to the pitch winner. The microgrant winner will be decided by means of voting. The foundation supports other interesting ideas, as well and through their network, the authors can get in touch with companies or people that can bring their ideas forward.

Finally, the event is part of a global concept of waste reduction. It comes ahead of the traditional European Week for Waste Reduction, which this year will take place between 21 to 29 November, according to the official site of the initiative. Last year alone, some 16 750 activities were undertaken, which aimed to reduce, reuse and recycle products and therefore cut down on the amount of waste produced in everyday life.



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