
A stylish cargo bike.

You can now borrow an e-bike to transport bulky waste in Rotterdam

You can now borrow an e-bike to transport bulky waste in Rotterdam

Cargo bikes will be available free of charge for a trial period

One can do almost anything by bike in The Netherlands and things such as transporting large amounts of waste are no longer an exception. Not only that but this can be done for free and sustainably, thanks to a new trial project launched in Rotterdam.

As part of the test, the city will be offering electric cargo bikes to borrow free of charge in order to transport bulky waste, large garden waste or usable second-hand items to an environmental park where they can take on a new journey and become useful everyday goods.

It is easier and free to recycle bulky waste in Rotterdam

The Municipality of Rotterdam informed yesterday of the new initiative, which aims to encourage its residents to take more items to environmental parks. By doing this, it will increase the number of recycled items into new goods, rather than incinerating them.

One way to do this is by offering a free and sustainable transport alternative in the form of cargo e-bikes. Hence, residents can now reserve a cargo bike or trailer online, pick it up at several locations and use it for part of the day to transport voluminous waste.

The trailer is an open cart of 2 x 1.1 x 0.34 meters, and the size of the electric cargo bike is 1 x 0.5 x 0.6 meters which makes it good for household waste that does not fit into an underground container or in a garbage bag. Sofas, cupboards, washing machines and vacuum cleaners are good examples of waste that can be transported to the recycling plant using a cargo bike. Trailers can also be attached to a car and used this way.

The trial period will last until the end of October when the authorities will evaluate the usability and the usefulness of the new service and will consider extending it permanently from 2023. For the time being, it is limited to residents of Rotterdam, while businesses cannot use the service.



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