
A bus stop in Potsdam, Source: Depositphotos

You won’t end up in jail anymore if you ride without ticket in Potsdam

You won’t end up in jail anymore if you ride without ticket in Potsdam

Paying a fine now seems like a more acceptable option

Germans call it Schwarzfahren, or ‘riding black’, the colloquial term for using public transport services without paying for it. You may be surprised to find out that in some cities, this offensive act is not just punished with a fine but can also land you in jail if you’re a repeat offender.

Such a tough city was Potsdam, the capital of the State of Brandenburg. However, at the start of this month, its public transit operator the Potsdam Transport Service GmbH announced that it would no longer file criminal charges against people caught riding public transport without a ticket on multiple occasions.

The decision originated in the city council where the Potsdam Left Party pushed for decriminalization of this behaviour. Free riders, however, will still be subject to fines of 60 euros if caught without a ticket.

In neighbouring Berlin, however, free riding is still a crime

Meanwhile, the German capital Berlin remains strict regarding this policy and doesn’t shy away from throwing serial free riders in prison.

According to the media website I Am Expat, currently, there are 282 people languishing in the city’s jails for having tried to dodge paying for a fare.

According to the Berlin Justice department, decriminalizing Schwarzfahren would “send the wrong signal, if those who lack solidarity and decide not to buy a ticket, barely have any consequences to fear”.

What’s the situation in other German cities? Apparently, 9 major cities have scrapped the policy of prosecuting free riders in the last two years alone. These are Bremen, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Munster, Wiesbaden, Karlsruhe, Mainz, Dresden and Halle.

The main reasons cited for abandoning the policy were the high costs involved in launching criminal proceedings to imprison the accused.



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