

Espoo trials coronavirus smartbot

Espoo trials coronavirus smartbot

The bot’s artificial intelligence answers questions on the coronavirus in more than 100 languages

The Finnish city of Espoo is once again proving its pioneer and entrepreneurial spirit by initiating the trials for a new coronavirus smartbot – it is able to answer any and all questions related to the disease in over 100 languages – and is always learning and finding out more information in order to always provide as accurate an answer as possible.

Capacities of the smartbot

The Espoo smartbot is way smarter than what you might usually encounter when attempting to get information out of regular chatbots. For starters, not only is the bot fluent in hundreds of languages, but it can also serve hundreds of thousands of users at the same time.

Furthermore, it is also able to freely understand irregular speech patterns and can answer properly, thus making it a far better chatting companion, compared to his less-developed equivalents. The smartbot scours the internet for answers to questions posed by users and provides them with the most recent and up-to-date information and will change its answers if new information surfaces.

The smartbot is also programmed to respect the privacy of users as talking to it can only be done anonymously, thus preventing unnecessary and perhaps even malicious tracking.

Tailored to the needs of citizens of Espoo

The bot is also equipped to answer far more specific questions when it comes to the coronavirus situation in the city of Espoo. It has complete and ready-to-go answers to a number of questions including how one can seek help if they believe they are infected, how individuals who have been laid off can seek financial aid and what services provided by the local government are still available.

By employing such modern approaches, the Finnish city takes bold steps into the future that might also be made use of even after the passing of this extraordinary crisis. 



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