
Marko Jarva

Mayor of Pirkala is Marko Jarva. He was born in 1966. He is Bachelor of Science (automation). He worked as a Business Development Manager at M-Files, a company that provides enterprise information management solutions.

Jarva has been a member of the Pirkkala municipal council since 2013 and a member of the municipal board since the beginning of 2017, representing the National Coalition party. The municipal council of Pirkkala elected Marko Jarva mayor of Pirkkala on June 12, 2017.  

Jarva is the President of the Pirkkala Rotary Club, a member of the Tampere Kauppaseura Trade Association and the Finnish Reserve Officers’ Federation.       

Married with children. His family has lived in Pirkkala since the year 2000. Jarva likes to get familiar with new technologies and enjoys outdoor activities and photography.
