
Alcala de Guadaira change of lighting, Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Guadaíra

Alcalá de Guadaíra goes for a complete overhaul of its urban lighting

Alcalá de Guadaíra goes for a complete overhaul of its urban lighting

This will cut down on utility bills, as well as on CO2 emissions

Alcalá de Guadaíra’s authorities have announced that they are planning to completely refurbish the lighting system in their town – a massive project which is expected to significantly reduce municipal costs but also the emission of greenhouse gases by 30%. The activity will cover not only the residential areas but also the industrial and business parks, some 20 of them, located in this suburban town of the Seville metropolitan area.

The initiative will be mainly financed with EU funds

This follows in the wake of what has been an ongoing renovation of the lighting system in the municipality for the past year and a half, which has been considered a success. As a result, it has been decided that the best way forward is to go ahead with the complete overhaul of the luminaires, rather than work piecemeal.

Speaking in concrete numbers, the project aims to replace some 13 800 lighting points throughout the town, as well as another 220 control and protection panels, with LED technology. In addition, the municipality will also install remote management systems and measurement modules.

Shifting to a distance approach in management is believed to help implement one of the goals of the administration to introduce a more low-carbon economy, in addition to the much-touted energy efficiency which the replacements will bring about.

The authorities are of the opinion that the initiative will save the coffers 400 000 euros a year in utility bills and will also release 2168 tons of CO2 less in the atmosphere.

Naturally, a large-scale idea, such as this one comes with its costs and in this particular case, they will be close to 7.5 million euros. The local City Council has informed that it plans to present the idea to the subsidy programme for unique projects of local entities, within the European Regional Development Fund, which provides up to 80% of the money.



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