
Centro Cultural Alcazaba, Source: Ayuntamiento de Mérida

Alcazaba Cultural Centre gets an energy efficiency makeover

Alcazaba Cultural Centre gets an energy efficiency makeover

The institution, located in Mérida, will become more sustainable thanks to 3 different projects

Merida City Council published today the winners of the triple public tender that had been opened for the renovation of the energy efficiency system of the Alcazaba Cultural Centre building today. The budget that had been set aside for that purpose was about 240 000 euros and as the municipal website reported, the cost price will be under that amount.

The Alcazaba Cultural Centre is a multi-functional building

The project that seeks to integrate better energetic efficiency consists of three parts.

The first one, awarded to Fernando Martínez Blanco, is concerned with the installation of solar filters and the replacement of the old lighting with a solar photovoltaic system which allows for generating electricity for the building’s own needs, also known as self-consumption. The project will be implemented for 6000 euros under budget price.

The second lot, which claims the largest budget share, will see the re-design of the cooling and air conditioning systems of the building. This one was awarded to Avaqus Emérita for a price that represents savings to the tune of 30 000 euros.

The final portion of the project, which will go to Veolia, seeks the implementation of an intelligent energy management system, as well as the creation of communication plans towards greater energy awareness. The contractor has offered a price of 10 072.26 euros, which is some 200 euros under budget.

“These activities can provide greater energy efficiency, lower costs due to lower consumption and optimal quality of the air conditioning because the equipment is very old and there are many deficiencies in the operation," said Carmen Yáñez, Public Procurement Councillor, explaining that from now on the installations will not stop working "in critical moments and the maintenance of the facilities will be cheaper".

Alcazaba Cultural Centre, initially designed as a shopping centre, is today one of the most important conference hubs in the region, counting with an auditorium of 525 seats. It also houses the municipal library, the city historical archives, a radio station and the offices of the Education and Culture departments of the city government.



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