
A jet landing at Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam), Source: Depositphotos

Amsterdam demands a complete ban on late-night flights at Schiphol airport

Amsterdam demands a complete ban on late-night flights at Schiphol airport

As well as a 9% reduction in flights in order to promote а cleaner and quieter environment

The City of Amsterdam is calling on the Dutch government to implement a drastic reduction in the number of flights operating from Schiphol Airport plus a ban on flights between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am. The demand is linked to the multipronged strategy of the city to promote a better quality of life for its residents.

The airport itself announced that it supports the City’s call for a ban on night flights as well as a ban on private jets, however, ultimately the decision for making drastic changes lies with the national government, which owns 70% of the flight hub.

The municipality is a partial owner of the facility

with a 20% share. Outgoing minister for Infrastructure and Water Management, Mark Harbers, said via a spokesperson that they had received the message from Amsterdam and will study its contents. However, the departing minister is only responsible for this for another week as a new government will take over on 2 July and it’s unclear what their position might be on this.

Alderman Hester van Buren, whose portfolio includes the airport, explained that her policy would be to continue fighting for the reduction of flights down to 400,000 per year. That number would represent a 9% reduction in total flights. However, the concern of the airport management is that such a measure would effectively end the international flight hub status of the facility.

On behalf of the municipality, the alderman, cited by NL Times, announced that she will also focus on international passenger trains to replace short flights, and proposes the introduction of a distance-dependent air travel tax in the short term.

Additionally, City Hall is looking at the labour side of things by demanding that Schiphol must be a healthy and safe workplace, with things like “a decent schedule” for employees being among the important goals.



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