
Bansko, Source: Monika Dimitrova

Bansko Municipality prohibits disposable plastic products

Bansko Municipality prohibits disposable plastic products

On the International Plastic Bag Free Day

Bansko Municipality as well as businesses in the Bulgarian resort town have reached an agreement which aims is to completely eliminate disposable plastic products by 2021. The other purpose of the municipality is the packaging - paper, plastic and glass to be collected completely separately. The agreement between the municipality and businesses in the city was signed today, July 3, 2019, on the date that marks the International Plastic Bag Free Day. The event includes a number of initiatives, part of the campaign "inSEPARABLE Bansko", promoting the separate collection, recycling and composting of waste.    

 Source: Bansko Municipality 

"Our goal is to drastically reduce the consumption of plastic bags on the territory of the municipality. As a resort that annually welcomes hundreds of thousands of Bulgarian and foreign guests, it is our duty to show that good examples can become sustainable practices. That is why, within the framework of the July 3 initiative, we have tried to include all - children, parents, shop owners, hotels and restaurants. I think the change çan be done through the participation of every citizen, "said Georgi Ikonomov, Mayor of Bansko Municipality.

In the celebration of the International No Plastic Day will be involved the grocery stores in the city. Today they restrict the sale of polyethylene bags by replacing them with paper provided by the City Hall of Bansko.



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