
Berlin will become the city with the fastest internet in Germany, Source: Depositphotos

Berlin aims for 100% fibre optic internet coverage in 2028

Berlin aims for 100% fibre optic internet coverage in 2028

The same goes for 5G coverage but that complete rate will be achieved already in 2025

Franziska Giffey, Berlin’s Minister for the Economy, announced that the German capital is well on its way to hasten complete fibre optic internet coverage two years ahead of schedule. This means that in 2028, all Berliners could already enjoy the benefits of higher-speed digital connectivity.

The progress in that respect is indeed dizzying, giving the politician the confidence to stake that bold claim. Consider that back in June 2023, only 18 per cent of households in Berlin were said to have access to a fibre optic internet connection. Nowadays that percentage sits at 34, which represents more than doubling the rate in a year.

A great increase in Berlin’s network capacity is essential for the city and its capabilities to compete internationally,” Giffey said in a press release from the Berlin Senate, adding that around 30 per cent more data is produced year-on-year.

Best connectivity indicators in all of Germany

All of the above is indeed great news for anyone from digital nomads to tech investors considering the German capital as a destination. Plus, it’s also the best way of bringing the benefits of technological progress to the 2.2 million households in Berlin.

Complete, 100% coverage is also the aim when it comes to the city’s 5G network, and that goal is even closer to the finish line as the current rate is 99.7%. This means that by next year, Berlin can affirm its first place in terms of connectivity in all of Germany.

The country’s three main telecom operators are pushing for close to 100% 5G coverage on the territory of the federal republic.

In 2021, Germany passed a law which promised all residents the right to fast internet.



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