
Taxi cabs waiting in Berlin, Source: Depositphotos

Berlin to introduce a fixed-price system for local taxis

Berlin to introduce a fixed-price system for local taxis

This has, in fact, been requested by the cab drivers themselves so they can remain competitive in the face of ride-hailing apps

The Berlin Senate decided yesterday that it will allow the option for taxi customers to know the price they will be paying to reach their desired destination before getting into a cab. This, in fact, has been one of the main features that have set apart the ride-hailing apps, such as Uber and Lift from the traditional taxis.

That is why the push for instituting such a system came not from the consumers but from the taxi drivers themselves as they felt that their business was becoming increasingly uncompetitive vis-à-vis the new app models. 

However, for the time being, this will not include trips between Berlin and its BER airport, since the latter is located in Brandenburg State and thus additional negotiations with taxi associations and the municipality of Dahme-Spreewald will be needed there to reach an agreement.

Tougher times for ride-hailing services in Berlin

As for the time horizon for the implementation of the new regulation, passengers in Berlin will only be able to see a fixed-price journey on the taximeters from 1 July. It may take until then for all the devices in the vehicles to be converted.

Meanwhile, the ride-hailing companies have recently been criticized because many vehicles were driving on Berlin's streets without permits. The Senate recently blocked a quarter of all rental cars offered on the platforms. Previously, the State Office for Civil and Regulatory Affairs (Labo) had checked more than 8,900 vehicles.



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