

Big industrial plants to become eco-friendly in Hamburg

Big industrial plants to become eco-friendly in Hamburg

Four of the German city’s biggest industrial projects will implement climate-friendly technologies

Hamburg, one of the most innovative cities in Germany, is driving fast towards its goal of halving CO2 emissions by 2030. The goal stretches even further, with the objective of an 80% reduction of harmful emissions, compared to the amount in the 1990s. To achieve these aims, Hamburg has formed an alliance with some of the biggest local industrial giants. The local authorities will assist the businesses in the transition by facilitating their access and sponsoring them in introducing the newest, eco-friendly technologies.

One of the most important projects is the testing of CO2-free production of steel at the local plant. Hydrogen and environmentally friendly electricity are set to be used in the production of goods. Another important factor concerning steel production is that steel is highly recyclable and also essential for the construction of windturbines and electric cars – other important pillars of an eco-friendly policy.

Other crucial projects are the introduction of climate neutral ice storing technology, the development of CO2 free industrial heating in the city as well as the construction of a massive incinerator capable of disposing of over 100,000 tonnes of waste annually and then extracting recyclable materials.

You can find more information on the projects over at this link.



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