

Call for proposals: cross-border partnerships for employment and social innovation

Call for proposals: cross-border partnerships for employment and social innovation

Millions of euro will be invested in cross-border working mobility, employment and inclusion

The Cross-border partnerships and support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility for EEA countries and social partners has been launched recently. Funded under the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" 2014-2020, it aims to promote workers' intra-EU labour mobility, to boost employment as well as to support the implementation of the EURES Regulation. The EaSI is a European-level funding instrument managed directly by the European Commission with the objective to contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy, by providing support for the Union's objectives in terms of high quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, fighting against social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions.

The current call consists of four strands as follows:

Strand 1 "Cross-border partnerships” - This strand shall support existing partnerships in the implementation of the objectives as laid down in the EURES Regulation, improving the functioning, cohesion and integration of the cross-border labour markets and promoting voluntary geographical and occupational mobility in these regions. Its indicative budget is EUR 8.4 million.

Strand 2 "Support to the development of new cross-border partnerships" - This strand shall support projects that either: target cooperation in border regions that are not yet covered by EURES cross-border partnerships with a view to becoming such in the future or expand the scope of existing EURES cross-border partnerships with pilot actions in areas/sectors new to them or enrich existing EUERS cross-border partnerships with new activities. Indicative budget: EUR 600.000.

Strand 3 "Support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility in the EEA countries” - This strand shall support the implementation of Union law on facilitating intra-EU labour mobility in the EEA countries and shall support the work of the EURES network in the EEA countries. Indicative budget: EUR 353.761.

Strand 4 "Support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility for social partners” - This strand shall support European social partner organisations observers in the Advisory Committee on Free Movement of Workers to inform about, coordinate and to promote intra-EU labour mobility among their member organisations and to ensure that those member organisations, which are also part of the EURES network, are well aligned to the objectives of EURES. It is expected to receive EUR 300.000.

The co-funding rate by the European Union is 80% for this call. There a are specific requirements for the eligible activities in each of the four strands, which can be consulted in detail from the Call for Proposals text. The action shall start from 1 January 2020 at the latest and the indicative overall project duration is of 24 months with the activities ending not later than 31 December 2021.

The call is open to applicants located in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. The type of entities and eligible consortia is specific to each strand.

The deadline for submitting proposals, including budget and description of the action including work plan is 6 June 2019. Find full application package here.



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