
The cars will be park at special spots around the city, Source: Wiener Linen

Cars are becoming a public transport option in Vienna

Cars are becoming a public transport option in Vienna

The city’s public transit operator has decided to enter the ride-sharing sector with its own electric cars

On 1 September, Vienna’s public transport company, Wiener Linen placed 50 electric cars on the streets of the Austrian capital and thus became one of the first public companies to participate in the ride-sharing economy. The public transport operator has said that in 2023 it will launch an additional 50 cars, bringing their total to 100.

But quantity is not the only thing Wiener Linen is focusing on. They are gradually expanding their range in an attempt to meet the demands of people in the city who can now reliably ditch their personal vehicles in the long term.

They offer cars with roof boxes, ski or bike racks and even snow chains. Wiener Linen Managing Director Alexandra Reinagl explained that the company wants to provide access to all modes of transportation in the city area, as ORF, Austria’s public broadcaster, reports.

Success of the pilot project

The pilot project for the ride-sharing plan started in the autumn of 2020 with 28 cars. According to the company’s data, in 2021, the fleet drove more than 250,000 kilometres, while the vehicles themselves were used for five hours on average.

Another feature of the pilot project that has stayed is the low price. Renting a car from Wiener Linen can cost as low as 2,30 euros per hour during the day and 0,50 cents at night. There are also discounts for renting a car for the whole day or even the weekend.

According to an official statement, in 2023, the company will start offering vans to cover even more transit needs. For a day trip, a work commute or for moving houses, citizens will have eco-friendly personal mobility available at all times. And, quite uniquely, this will be available at lower prices than many public transport tickets throughout the EU.



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