
belfast confidence mark, Source: Belfast City Council

“Confidence mark” rolls out for Belfast’s businesses in preparation for reopening

“Confidence mark” rolls out for Belfast’s businesses in preparation for reopening

It is meant to reassure customers that business-owners are taking all necessary precautions when opening their venues

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the issue of personal safety and protection has skyrocketed to the very top of the list for most citizens of Europe. That is why with the gradual lifting of lockdown restrictions it is only natural for anxieties to flare and for people to adopt a more cautious approach when they attempt to return to normal life.

In light of such concerns, authorities in Belfast have begun rolling out a “Confidence Mark” for the city’s businesses, meant to alleviate some of the fears of locals and to reassure them that their safety is the number one priority not only of institutions but of enterprises and venue owners as well.

Boosting customer and citizens confidence

Despite the United Kingdom boasting one of the more dismal handlings of the pandemic, authorities have decided to continue with the country’s reopening. Most retailers in Belfast have already reopened, while the hospitality and tourism industries are set to make their return on 3 July.

Yet with many citizens fearing for their safety and the safety of their loved ones, it falls upon the city’s government to reassure them that the reopening is going according to plan and that authorities are ensuring that all venues are properly vetted and made safe to visit.

The “Confidence Mark” that is being distributed by the Belfast City Council aims to accomplish precisely that. The windows stickers began rolling out earlier this week and will contribute to the city’s economic recovery by boosting customer confidence.

Upon the launch of the initiative Lord Mayor of Belfast, Alderman Frank McCoubrey stated that “As our city moves into the first stages of recovery, one of our main priorities is ensuring that our businesses are prepared and protected in order to welcome the public back safely.

We’ve been working hard with our city partners to ensure that as customers and workers start to return to premises across the city, they feel confident and reassured that we are taking the appropriate measures to ensure social distancing, and that public health advice is being adhered to.

The confidence mark is to show members of the public that businesses are taking necessary steps to help customers feel at ease, feel safe, and above all have an enjoyable experience when shopping and going about their daily business.”





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