
Still, some spots will remain off-limits for bathers due to boat traffic, Source: Pixabay

Copenhagen mulls opening its entire harbour waterfront for swimming

Copenhagen mulls opening its entire harbour waterfront for swimming

Until now, there have been specially designated bathing areas but from next summer, one would be able to see the city as one giant swimming pool

There is now a good chance that in the summer of 2023, the City of Copenhagen will liberalize access to swimming at its entire waterfront, which also happens to be known as the Copenhagen Harbour. The largest such facility in the Baltic Sea will be transformed from an off-limits to no-limits swimming area for the local residents and guests eager to take a dip.

Many readers might baulk at the idea of swimming at an urban harbour, however, it should be kept in mind that four years ago the Danish capital was named by CNN as the best city in the world for urban swimming. The distinction was made possible thanks to the excellent waterfront swimming areas, crystal clear water and minimal salt content.

Nordic beach destination

Currently, there are three harbour baths and eleven swimming zones in Copenhagen Harbour. Swimming outside those designated zones can result in fines.

Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen has teamed up with several other parties to propose looking into whether it’s feasible to do away with the designated swimming zones and have a few designated off-limit zones instead.

Instead of having limited zones where it is permitted to swim, I think we should turn the logic on its head regarding swimming in the harbour,” said the mayor as quoted by CPH Post.

She added that this way people could have easier and nearer access to swimming opportunities. “And if it is a hazard in certain areas, for instance, due to boat traffic or sewer outlets, then we will ban swimming in those limited areas – let’s be honest, there isn’t enough room for us all on warm summer days at Nordhavn or Kalvebod Brygge, for example.”



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