
Dubrovnik street leading to the Old Town, Source: Depositphotos

Dubrovnik targets local taxis in effort to reduce street congestion

Dubrovnik targets local taxis in effort to reduce street congestion

This involves the creation of a special traffic control zone on streets leading to the UNESCO-protected Old Town

On 1 September, Dubrovnik launched its special traffic control zone, which was presented as the hopeful solution for the chronic traffic congestion on the key streets leading to the Old Town. The initiative, as the authorities explained, will have the goal of reducing the number of taxis on the local roads.

At present, we have 9,000 taxi vehicles, but the goal is to reduce this number to 700 by 1 March,” said Mato Franković, the Mayor of Dubrovnik, as quoted by

These words also indicated that the traffic control zone is a work in progress of sorts. Even though, the city authorities were proud to declare that their traffic control zone was the first of its kind in Croatia, at least from media reports it wasn’t too clear how exactly they plan to go about reducing the taxi fleet in terms of standards to be met.

According to a local Uber driver, cited by, the cab companies will snatch the largest share of this predetermined quota leaving only 100 available spots for ride-hailing cars.

Details on vehicle restrictions are still forthcoming

Taxi drivers believe that the problem with traffic in Dubrovnik is multi-layered and they call on the Croatian minister of transport for a dialogue.

According to the cabbies, the problem with chronic traffic jams is not due to the widespread presence of taxis alone, but also due to the wide availability of rental cars. Taxi lobbyists are of the opinion that the government should take that reality into consideration as well when crafting its regulations.

The new driving system around the city should not concern citizens, for now, they can continue to drive normally around the historic core. There will be certain changes, but only in a few months, and the mayor claims that everyone will be informed about it in a timely manner.



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