Thessaloniki gets ready for its metro launch in November
The underground rapid transit lines have been under construction for almost two decades due to various project delays
Al via I lavori per fibra ottica e access point
Arriva la fibra ottica per il wifi in viale Ceccarini a Riccione nel tratto compreso tra la ferrovia e piazzale Roma. L'intervento, suddiviso in due fasi, consisterà in una prima necessaria estensione della rete Man in fibra ottica del Comune, per poi procedere con l'installazione di otto access point e consentire una copertura uniforme della zona. Della prima tranche di lavori si occupa la società D.R. Telecomunicazioni di Piacenza. L'intervento fa seguito alla connettività wifi, gratuita e senza autenticazione, introdotta nei mesi scorsi nelle sedi pubbliche quali la Residenza comunale, la Biblioteca comunale, il Palazzo del Turismo e il comando della Polizia municipale, attraverso le infrastrutture messe in campo dagli uffici comunali e la banda, garantita da Lepida.
Riccione è un comune italiano di circa 35, 000 abitanti della provincial di Rimini, in Emilia-Romagna. Riccione è, insieme a Rimini, una delle città balineari italiane più conosciute. Il turismo a Riccione è quello di massa, costituito soprattutto di giovani, attratti dalla quantità e varietà di locali e discoteche presenti sul suo lungomare e sulle collline della città, Dagli anni 2000 la città ha evidenziato una continua crescita di turisti stranieri.
The underground rapid transit lines have been under construction for almost two decades due to various project delays
Now you can get your wine in Talence by paying directly in Bitcoin
That’s because the state has to spend money on updating the railway infrastructure rather than subsidizing the cost of the popular pass
Rethinking renewable energy sources for the urban landscape
The examples, compiled by Beyond Fossil Fuels, can inform and inspire communities and entrepreneurs that still feel trepidation at the prospect of energy transition
Now you can get your wine in Talence by paying directly in Bitcoin
The 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT) sets the stage for stronger cooperation between the EU, national and local level to fast track Europe's transition to climate neutrality.
At least, that’s the promise made by the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo
The underground rapid transit lines have been under construction for almost two decades due to various project delays
At least, that’s the promise made by the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo
Hostal de Pinós is located in the geographical centre of the autonomous region
Despite its church-y name, the district has long been known as the hangout spot for the artsy crowds
Urban dwellers across the EU are having a say in making their surroundings friendlier to people and the environment.
Forests in the EU can help green the European construction industry and bolster a continent-wide push for architectural improvements.
Apply by 10 November and do your part for the transformation of European public spaces
An interview with the Mayor of a Polish city that seeks to reinvent itself
An interview with the newly elected ICLEI President and Mayor of Malmö
A conversation with the Mayor of Lisbon about the spirit and dimensions of innovation present in the Portuguese capital